Mr. Bryant S. Zebedy

Legislative Secretary
Marshall Islands witijela
Post Office Scx 24

Majuro, ilotcnuall Islaads



Dear Mr. Zebedy:
The certified copy of Resolution No. 29-NOel of the Nav. hell
Islands Nitijela which you forwarded te the Adainistrac.r of the

Enersy Research end Nevelopeent Adwinistrarion (ELA) 1... a been
received. Ve thank you fer sending us this copy of the Resslutica

and are pleased tiat the peonle of the Marshall Iclaids sppreciate

gad have ceafidence in the medical programa of ZOUA to Lie exccuc
expressed by the Resolution.

_As you know, L2DA and its predecessor, the Atomic Energ:: Comeission,
have had a oedical program, carried out by our Brooithavun Hational
Laboretory (SNL), since 1954. This program kes been co. ducted vith
the cooperaticn of the Oepartwent of Health Services, Governuent of
the frust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Qur preserc prosram
provides aa annual major medical visit eod quarterly fo. low-up
visits from the resident physician at Kvajaleia. This veor wa have
lengthened the visits to provide time for all residents, particularly
at Utirik, to be seen by the physicians if they desire. However, we
- have no present plans to extend the medical program to .nclude additional general medical care outside the tines of the sc!eduled visits.
We can assure you thac wien treatuent or radiation relu.ed iajury in
the United States is deemed necessary, Lt will be the & possible,
whether it is cn the wainisad or in Gavaii.e While EES. has provided
these medical visits, the general medical care remains .1 responsi=
bility of the Covernaent of the Trust Territory of the ‘acific
Islands. Wa et ERDA are, nevertheless, proud of the i.:. osdical team

and the fact that they have been successful over the ye.ra in enlist-

ing the asaistance of expercs from vazicus medical cent:rs throughout
the United Scstes to assiste them in their work.

We will be glad to mect with representatives of the Nit!jele and

further discuss the Resolution if they shceuld so desire.

James L. Liverman

Assoittrun Acminiiuns tor

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