
agencies at an interagency meeting on September 7,
1972, as follows:

AEC-radiological survey and

cleanup and rehabilitation criteria; Defense

(through DNA) -- cleanup; and DOI - rehabilitation

and resettlement. EPA opted not to become
involved formally, but agreed to advise and

During September 1972 to March 1974, AEC
conducted an extensive radiological survey.

A Task Group was established to evaluate
the survey results and to prepare recommendations for cleanup and rehabilitation. The Task
Group report was coordinated with DNA, DOI,
and EPA,
SECY 74-542, Outline of a Staff Paper on
Enewetak Atoll, was discussed with the Commis-

sion at Session 74-74 on April 23, 1974.
The Commission generally accepted the proposed
staff rationale which would allow the people to

occupy part of the Atoll with certain practical

restrictions on living sites, food sources, etc.

This is consistent with the staff position that

exposures should be "as low as practicable"
and based on conservative interpretation of
Federal Radiation Council (FRC) guidelines.
The Task Group report is available in the

Secretariat and is summarized in Appendix 2,
Key conclusions and recommendations are as


FRC guides for whole body, bone, and
gonads for the individual, and the
philosophy of Alternative (3) should be
used to evaluate predicted radiation
doses, Owing to uncertainties in dose
estimates, the values used to evaluate
cleanup alternatives were the FRC guides
reduced by 50 percent for annual doses

to individuals and by 20 percent for the
30-year gonadal doses. Thus:


Select target paragraph3