from soil to reduce the bulk of material
requiring disposal. AEC should be prepared
to take the lead in any such studies that are



Apply radiation criteria with the objective
of maintaining exposure and radioactivity.
levels in the natural background range
and equivalent to pre-test conditions.
(Such criteria are equivalent to prohibiting occupancy of the Atoll. )


Apply maximum levels allowable for
individuals within the general population

as contained in current Federal standards

such as 500 mRem/yr, and 5 Rem in 30 years
whole body doses and inhalation and dietary
intake of radionuclides equivalent to those


A middle course based on maintaining
exposures "as low as practicable, '' and
limited to a conservative fraction of the
Federal standards for individuals within

the general population in order to account

for uncertainties in dose estimates.

Weapons tests were conducted at Enewetak Atoll

from 1948 to 1958.

The remaining contamination

from 43 explosions includes fallout, fission dekris,

neutron activation products, plutonium debris

from safety tests and buried waste.

Test loca-

tions are shown in the attached map with names
of tests enclosed in boxes.
In April 1972, the U.S. announced that Enewetak

Atoll would be placed under Trust Territory
control at the end of 1973. Resettlement of the
Enewetakese people would depend upon the results
of a survey of the Atoll using the same pattern
followed at Bikini, i.e., radiological survey,

cleanup, rehabilitation and resettlement. The
responsibilities were divided among Federal


Select target paragraph3