mm ARCHIVES -2- 2. 3. Small nodule at age 40 which disappeared under oral thyroid hormone therapy. 1 This patient operated on in 1969 for removal of an in~.asive adenorria;has recovered satisfactorily 1 (All the above in T and II who underwent surgery appear to be in good health without evidence of recurrence.) 111. Surviving adult Ailinginze pecsple exposed to fallout. dose : 69 rads external gamma irradiation.) (Estimated Total - 8 1. Iv. Adenomatous goiter removed at age 45; recovered and was on thyroid therapy. Died of influenza in 1968. Surviving adult [Itirik people exposed tO fallout. (Estimated dose: 14 rads external gamma plLIs 15 rem internal irradiation.) Total - 120 1. One person developed z nocllularthyroid gland and underwen~ surg~ry in i96?. As the tissue resemblsd a follicula~- adenoma in frozen secf:ion, a total thyroidtactcunyV:2S perfczmecl; h~st~l.ogic sections .c.anfirmcdthe diagnosis and upg~:ided the degree of malignancy. She has ~ecovered satisfactorily. 2. Oae person with slight enlargement of onc lobe of the thyroid to be treated conserva~ively and fibserved. One c~se of nodular thyroid h2s been found ii>a non-exposed Rcngelap Oil E!>eye. Thyroid surgery has been recommended woman living for this patient at Majuro Hospital. No other inst~nces of thyroid abnormalities have been faul~d in the control populatioris living on LTt’irik, Majuro or Zbeye. It appears that the exposed populations have stabilized so far as the thyroid reac.tio~s are concerned.