THE CURR1lNX STATUS OF THYROID DISEASE A?YON~ TEIEMAR.SHALLESE ExPOSED TO ??liLLOW~FRO>l THE BRAVO TEST, MARCH 1, 195~+ (The fcllcwing data are taken from an informal report by Dr. Conard da~ed i,12[)/71) The current stztss may be cpdated as follcws: I. Yoxi-ig Rongelapese exposed tG fallout Karc’n 1, 1954, when they vJzTe 1 to 8 years of age. (Estimated dose: 175 rads external gamma p~~s 6~0 to 1400 rem internal irradiation.) Total - 19 1. 2. 3. 4, Currently normal. by clinical =ildbioc~emical tests. (There ma’: , be a slight u~evenness >f the gland in one patient-,) 2 (11%) Currently hypothyroid with minimal modularity. Respondin2 satisfactorily to oral thyroid hormone 3 (16%) K~ve undergone. surgery in the U. S. prior to 1969 because of iloduiar thyroid disc.2se; histologic diag~osi~ of aciencmatous goiter and Huertnle cell ‘tumor, Respondii,g satisfactorily to oral thyroid ho~none ~~l~r~py wit?. me exczpt;o?i: This patient tit the rp~ri~llt of thy~-oid shows SOne Ci-il;;fge??nf?nt left frm 2 par:ial Lh~/uoidectorn}7 in 1954; as she has no: folio-,:edher post-operaLive thyroid hormone 2S tc) T.:\-lether she should rep,ime?.,L1lCCC i: q.les:ion have furt!~er siirgery. 11 (58%) Young people operated on for thyroid disease dcrin~ August 1969 anti recovered. D<.agnoses: Prinary benign adenoxatous goiter in two and papillary adencma of serious grade malignancy tn one. 3 (16X) (None of six Ailii~giz:~echiici-cer, exposed to an estimated external ~~lj-roj-d dysfunction.) dose of 69 Y.2dS ha~:e sko:m II. Surviving adul~ Rongelapese exposed to fallout. (Estimated dose: 175 rads external plus 1.60rem interi>al irradiation.) Total - 34 1. Papillary caucinoma removed surgically at age 41. No recurrc’nce. Taking oral. thyroid horrnoi~etherapy.