“19 tne active test program, when tne studies of deciine in redio-

activity ard oeeanic sireulation should de emphasized.
Smarivg of “re

facilities and space at BEAL with the Bealth

and Safety Laboratory grvup of the Net

York Qperations office

aseomding to the plan cutiined oy Dr. ¥. R. Boss om Deecmber 20,

1755 should sliew for optima wee of the facilities.
23ksupport is nesded to provide a chain of command

Oo the various seetione of We test progres.

Without a sclear-

tat direetive sith a Aigh gPicrity aseigned to the program of

-=hiatian biclogy, the studies eanmmet ve cervied out with aaxiWaa 80c cap | seen +3.

Prangportation is needed to wenepert sen and equipment
2>0ut the atolls, detweenm stollo cal om tke open sca.
purfaes treneporpeion dy “W" vent or equivalent sneuld de
Tovided at Paiweton for trips te tae islands of thre atoll and

- saxciag solleet «: “ plankton and polagic fiah.
Agr transportation, vy mmm. Pia.

s landing stripe

ar® ivalladie or by Aelicopter te ctner sites,

smoi.i de pro-

yided om an “as needed” dasia.
an osean-golng vessel with facilities fec sondweting
.ok%on and water saapling at wea is needed for ‘the suggested

sear senitering survey (pagee 3, 9, 10).

Select target paragraph3