
of sea ewsumbors, which would Nave to be compensated for by eclleeting 1 other areas.

It might prowe feasible to dolster the

Perry populetion by introductions ‘from the islands nortn of

Tre eseolegica: rile of “nese grasing animals, which are

prastically without sredetors, invites eluctiation.

MErief ob-

servation Aes ieed to the estimate that in areas of dense populetion they consume the microflora and fauna from several tons
ef eerel sand per acre per dey.

The contribBution te the reef

es a result of this conversion is not understood.
Pastors to De considered should inelude species differences,
reproductive cycles and their relation to seasons, arfinities of
tissuee for vartous isotopes, and gecgraphic distribution.

aiilties and




Tre Bniwetc« Marine Bioclogies] Labcratery (MEL) on Parry
Yelead hes proved to be a very fire ™ -*

som wich to conduct

field studies suehk a thoee propoecd.

Tre epuce and facilities cequired for the Applied Pisheries
Laboretowy's 19595 ficlad program will vary 4u-ing several phases
vf tne operation.

Early in the test program the major effort

should ve coneentreted in (1) estadlisming the existing levels

of rediceetivity that remain from previceus teste in the area,
and (2) with tne start of the teste, evalueting some of the
shart-lived radisectivity.

aetud peak in erfort should come at the termination of

Select target paragraph3