

“1960 the w20 ceciared "there is virtually no radiation left" on Bil:ini

and silaicd veosle t. be in moving back. But ten vears later tlc radiations levels
were oc Lio° in uet. the environment and weople that tiey were evecucted onee acrin

be L¢7l,

mriing i.ternctional headlines in the proccss.

lines ininid wes still "hot" in 1675 (accordinr to their ow survers)
ne prebaliv muel. .2klier - put the: isnored tiese potential nazerds in Pever of


eétiering the people.

The 4.0 sclertists “uring the resettlemert made strte ents

tie pest available source of data for eveluatine the
the sut will after being incorrorated into ciclerical
leavinz people on a da:.geruusly cconta.inz ted ioland

nee ecicitzered 2 staple in the lMarstallese diet, arrovroot (si ilar toa
mitotic), since tne lave 1¢70's, ‘as stopped producing on every island ir tie Uars ails, <iditicensll, poorle from at least 15 etclis assert that the coconuts,
preaulrlit aru cther lo.ra foods either do not produce or have mutated.
eat lenst


elf a dezen islands at Bikini and Enewecak were obliterated oP
rt’ by the testing.
This could hardly be called "pretecti:ng tie

t t+ 2 loss of tueir lands."


Trere are nic.ercus reports from different atolls of continuinr mis-carrinccs,
iv deformitics in off spring. freople fren many etobls, in addi

“san and Utirik, com:lain of sickness that they had never experienced
32 t 3 lest 10-15 years, Yet the AcC doctors only look at tie peorle te;
< “enpeced" anc refuse ti.eir 2.edical service to these others.

® Lree'y tven ational Laboratory (on contract to the Ace /DC =) is charred sit.

eenéuctir: rusular s:sedical checks on the exposed peorle and is responsitle for providin: for the .eoplss' healt’. care. But instead thCafe Cdogsorsdave consistently
misleeu t e€ people cbcout their radiation exposure (the

are exycles of tis).

Utirik ard Pikini situatiors ‘




a 3 OO

Mt fs

fosubrit that t e radiation problems did net end wit tie nvclear test ‘rozra’.
mn igic - that in Soet + they are just beginning to be felt. The problems ‘2re are 4
esult of nolicies wiiich ‘ave been formulated from very subjective interpretevion
£ tie radiolorsical informntion and it highlights the critical need for an alterative reint of view. _T..ese policies are in direct conflict with whe’ U.S. respon-

nility te pretect t'c tealth of tre people.

I strengly urge that tie feder 1

rovermient s ovld ercride funds for scientific surveys of t e¢ islands and medical
exsc.inctions cf the reorte by independent doctors and scientists, wit! no connectior
te the DCz. ..2d t!oce personnel should be chosen by !ars’:-llese.
Tut on Ler of this, l would like to invite you and represent:tives of vour

genartnent tc come ic the /arshalls to investigate tiese end other prociems first
mné so tat vou can understand the situction 'ere.

he U.S.

has not lived up to its oblipations under the U.I. Trusteeship sgree-

in .2nr cases has been in direct violation of it. The resulting radiation
problems that ere now becaning evident are just part of tie problem f:cing my recple

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