Numerous substitutions and a fow additions were made as the neal arose,
During this period the personnel needs wery in a more or less fluid
status because many of the profects were still in formitive staxzes
aml a determinition of absolute neads could not be definitely anticipated,
Meanwhile availability statements were coming back fran the Air
Force and lists were bein formanied to Career Maniwement Units
requesting that the personnel be earmirked for Operation SANDSIVIE,

At this period it was estimated that the personnel requiresents
for the Radiolosical safety Group would be fifty officers, seventeen
enlisted men am five civildans.

Ton of tho officers would be air

monitors, whose duty it would be to advise plane crews that were
to be in tho air at the tine of the shot concernizy, radioactive

intensities ant to Ualicate paths

of laut intensity for entry and

They would also distribute film bndsews to plane personnel ami

collect tham upon campletion of the mission.

These monitors would be

bagel at Kwajalein after arrival at the test site umler cammand of
Colonel Isbell.

In addition to the previously requisitioned personnel,

the services of Lt, Colonel Joseph J. caty, dr., USAF were requested
by CTG-7,6

Also, two additional flisht surseons were requested fron

the AFSuP,
The original plan contamplateald the use of one Radsafe monitor
to accanyany esch purty workin; on a profect with a reserve of abaut
20% additional monitars.

However, aa the planning prosressad additiom

al projects were addal necessitating a revision ef monitor amd technician requirenents,

Ags a result ef this pewision it was considered

Select target paragraph3