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All of the surveys were completed well within the Limit of exposure

established for the mission,

The results were vary offective in complet-

ing studies of the radintion intensities on the islands.
Restriction of Islands,
Early in the operations, it was decided at a conference that as a
result of radiological studies CTG-7.6 would reconment which islands
would be restricted to al) personne] because of radiological intensitia

and which would be opened for further work and for recreation,


ingly, a3 soon as possible following, cach test, extensive surveys were
made of all islands in the atoll to determine the extent of radioactive

The : ecanmendations mide as a result of this study were accepted,

and provided CJTF-7 with the desired information as to safety in the

It permitted the planning of scientific missions which required

workin: on the islamls and the designition of beach and recreational
facilitics safe for use.

The original sequence of and locations for the

atomic tosts were sclectal im advance so thant the prevailin: weather
conditions would confine radicactivity to a prosressively expanding area
and at the em of the tests the islands of Parry and Eniwetok, on which
the garrisons were st:tioned, would remin free of fallout and consequently be radiologically safe for occupation,
Yroposed Technical Report,


Cn 3 May CTG-7.6 dispatched a letter to the Radiolosical Safety
Officer in which it was proposed that TG. 7.6 initiate the compilation
of a Technical Report on Radiolosical Safety at Operation SANDSTONE.
It was planned that the report would be completed by AFIT personnel

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Select target paragraph3