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serious difficulty encountered by this group was that of trahspértatbency

Although vehicles had been requested for the use of 7G-7,6 prior to

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departure from Washington, none were available upon arrival at the

Borrovring of vehicles fran other groups ashore and the use of

DUKs for handling heavy equipment was necessary for several weeks,

util a jeep was eventually procured through TG-7.1,

In future opera-

tions of this nature, ample transportation facilitics should be made
available to the radiological safety group.

On 20 Harch the Task Force shifted anchorage fran Eniwetok Island
to Engebi Island, and TG-7.6 began a daily schedule of work in coordination with full scale Task Force preparations for the X-RAY shot.

Nightly meetings of the staff of TG-7.6 aboard the CVE, which had
been regularly conducted since the date of embarkation at Long Beach,
were continued.

At these meetings various staff members made informl

reports regarding the status of current work in their respective

Current protlems were discussed and plans outlined for

the following day.

In accordance with JTF-7 Field Order Number 2, the TG=7.5 Withdrawal and Roll-Up Plan was submitted to Colonel Cooney for endorse~

ment and forvarding to CJTF-7,

In addition to administrative,

logistics, and similar routine plans for the roll-up operation, the
following recommendations were made:


After dissolution of JTF-7, the responsibility for

coordinating the technical measurements projects with
the Arned Services and the AEC be assigned to the
Armed Forces Special Weapons Project in accordance
with AFSJP charter.

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