

In tho course of the trip to Enivetok detailed plans were drawn
up for carrying out the various projects,

This involved schedules

for setting up equipment on the test islands and for recovering
materials subsequent to the tests,

Materials tors the various projects

were assembled and carefully marked during the trip out so that no

tine would be lost on arrival,

A few items which had not been received

prior to departure were ordered at Fearl Ilarbor.
Vork was started on the preparation of pre-test reports for each

These were planned so that they could be incorporated in

the final reports of the project with only minor variations,


were to include details of method of making the measurements, summary
of the past work in the field and the nature of the results which it
was hoped would be obtained from the projects.
The precise information to be obtained fram each project and the
methods in which they were to be accomplished is given in Annex "G" of

Operational Plan 1-48, Task Group 7,6 (See Appendix "B"),
Monitors daily attended classes and calibrated instruments during
the voyage to the test site.

The program was designed to enable the

‘nonitor to adapt the theoretical training received at the radiological
safety schools to practical situations.
The action of a monitor in the event a croup leader working ina
contaninated area refused to remove his party upon being warned to do
so by the monitor was discussed at a meeting held on 4 March 19438.
Comvander “inant ruled that the monitor, after properly notifying the

- 48 ~

Select target paragraph3