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for monitors data sheets, individual exposure cards, and physical
examination certificates,

Major Brennan set up a Kardex file system

containing an individual card for each member of the Task Force,
During the early part of March certain personnel of Task Group

726 received exposures incident to instrument calibration work.


exposures were detected on film badges and dosimeters, and were recorded

in the Kardex file.

This latter procedure served as a dry run test of

the record system.
By 15 March 300 more physical examination reports had been received.
A survey of physical examination reports was begun in order to deter

mine the status of Task Group 7.6 personnel with regard to compliance
with Field Order Number 1, Annex J, paragraphs 4a and 4~e.


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materials or in radioactive areas and are herewith quoted:




sections dealt with personnel who would be working with radioactive

"AlL such persons shall, prior to departure fram the
United States, receive a complete physical examination
ancluding chest --ray, blood count, and urinalysis; and
reports of such examination shall be in the hands of the
Radiological Safety Officer prior to departure. Prior
to final release from the Task Force, personnel shall
undergo such further physical examination as the Radiological Safety Officer may specify. Names of all
individuals who are expected to enter radioactive areas

will be submitted to the Canmander of Task Group 7.6 in
the form of an eligibility list two weeks prior to the

test. Canmmander Task Group 7.6 will propare appropriate .
cards on all such personnel, In addition, a Control
list containing the names of any persons who expect to

enter a contaminated area on a specific day will be submitted to Camander Task Croup 7.6 on the preceding day,
Camander, Task Group 7.6 will report to the Task Force”
Commander with copies to Test Director and Scientific

Director the names of any persons who are disqualified
for such entry by reason of previous radiological


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