from various stations throughout the country.

The majority of these

personnel reported by 18 February, and since quartering facilities at
the Terminal Island Receiving Station were extremely overcrowded, it
was decided to move personnel aboard the U.S.S. BAIROMD (CVE-11L5)
which was then at that port.

This was done on 20 February at 1300

A few officers and men were left ashore to expedite the supply

and logistical work yat to be accorplished prior to the scheduled
sailing date of 29 February.

On 21 February the BAIROKO departed Terminal Island with the bulk

of Task Group 7.6 personnel aboard, arriving at Sar. Diego the folloving

From the 22nd to the 26th of February, fue1, aviation gasoline

and aircraft were loaded aboard, and the ship departed on the norning
of 26 February, arriving back at Terminal Island late that afternoon,
The remainder of equipment and supplies were now loaded aboard and the

rest of the Task Group personnel enbarked.
Activities Fnroute to Test Site,

On 29 February 1948 the BAIROKO departed from Long Beach with the
Task Force convoy bound for Pearl Harbor, thence to Eniwetok,
Fran the initial date of embarkation indoctrination of personnel
on the mission of the Task Group was directed.

Commander Winant gave

two orientation lectures in which all aspects of the mission were
covered and it was pointed out that due to the variety of services and
civilian personnel represented a coordination of effort must be


Inmediately upon sailing for Pearl Harbor detailed opera~

tional planning and a comprehensive study of expected problems commenced,

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