



The following mterials are included for test in this project;
sodium chloride, Lithium fluoride, potassium chloride, and potassium


The crystals are approximately 1/2 inch square and 3 inches

In their natural state they are clear and colorless but upon

exposure to radiation they absorb various bands of the spectra, giving
the appearance of color.

Delivery of these materials was made to the

U.S.S. BAIROKO for transport to the test site. On the voyage to the
test site it was planned to attempt calibration by exposure to the

radiua source available,
Operations Plans for Technical Measurements.

when the first draft of the Scientific Director's Operation Plan

was received, Task Group 7.6 prepared a plan for carrying out the
technical measurements assigned to it.

A draft of this plan was sub-

mitted to the Scientific Director on 20 Noverber and used as a basis
for future planning.

Ruch of the information in this plan was in

corporated by the Scientific Director in the over-all operations plan
for the Task Force.

Frequent coordination was required with the other

scientific groups, with J-3, and with those responsible for organizing
the air operations,

In ‘anuary a procedure for a flight plan for use

in the @47 aerial survey operation was prepared in coordination with
Colonel Shephard, Task Group 7.4.

At the end of Jar ary a final draft

of the operations required for the technical measurements unit was
prepared and concurred in for the most part by the Test and Scientific


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