






Chief of Engineers, U.S. Arny, the Bwreau of Yards and Docks, and
the AEC as specimons of shiolding.

These were oventually considered

too complicated however and it’ was proposed that a number of plain
stecl shields made of 1 inch steel plates, 1 and 2 feet square,
capable of being built up by bolting together into any desired thick-

ness to be used.

It was also requested that concrete slabs, 3 inches

in thickness be manufactured at the test site.

In addition a quantity

of angle iron was procured to be used in mounting these sample shields.

Assexbly of the material was made at San Francisco, Naval Shipyard
under the direction of LT Vicars,

This material was then delivered

to Terminal Jsland for transport to the test site,
The fi2m method of measuring the amount of gamma radiation was
selected as being the most practicable for the purpose of the test.
It was decided that the film badges for all gamma measurements be
procured by the AFSWP,

Dr. Lauriston S, Taylor of the U.S. Bureau of

Standards was placed under contract by the AFSWP to calibrate and read
film badges for all sarma radiation readings,
Decontamination and Heat Sensitivity Studies.

The problems associated with handling and disposing of radioactive materials resulting fran atamic bomb bursts had heen one of
great concern to the Navy for the previous 15 months as a result of


The Bureau of Ships had been assisned the

responsibility for development of ship decontamination measures shortly

after operation CROSSROADS,

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Select target paragraph3