


where thes. operations sre to by oxte sive 12

niture ™M order that hacards to personnel May
be d-creas-d by ‘normal deeay of shert lived
ra¢ioactiv~ noter’als.

(4) Operations of this sort can b> conduct-d with

greater safety bo empkoying personnel in sncll
nunbars with timoly rolicfs.

Commandsr, U.S. avy,
Commander, Tesi Croun 7.0





Radfolocical S-fety CftLeor

Joint Tes Forse sivat
25 Nay 1943


Conmander, Joint Tisk Fores SEVTN.

Forwarded recommending avctroval.


Th- followins recomend rtions are added:
(a) In Qneration SANDSTONES tie ractologiensl sfety
eronv was craninod cig toameidsc ssporatcly
fromthe scisitirie .rowy,
This vas don: witit

a view te insuriac thet tls safety of prrsonnel

would not bs spbearcinetes to the urroney of
recovery of salentifie data.
“1though t'- conduct of tie test sowed no toueene. te arzard
Persennel in nreeurins

scientific deta,


Sows advicaole, nevertheless, te rearfirnm this
ecarend cauclity botwern the tue srougs os 2
sdun’ princtiote,
(b) Certrin studiss of toxicity of radioactiv.
materials should ‘7 initirt-d end cerricd tThreugh
te cempliction orter to Tutur> tests in order te
provic, laradists sné vositive basic Larormation
frp Une Radsolesical Savery OFYicer ami che RadFolorical Corety Greua Commacer., Thos. eheald
Siclude st inss of radioactively contaminst sd

aust ond water, Th» sxnet conditions af each
test af any contonyl Tt sc changes in woapen dn_?tgn should ve osnsidered in thos: studies. —

te) Sxreriones at Operstian SANDSTCRE indientes the

NeNi tec a variety of ssevies tests whieh would
contrioute te the besie hnewledsa reaqudred for
radiviosical safety and redielotical derense.

Select target paragraph3