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Measurement of activity of a radioactive sample.
This sequence shows the placing of a sample in a counting
chamber, the action of a scaler, and the recording of
results obtaLced.

56 Procedure for calibration of instruments on the flicht deck
of the BAIROKO.

This sequence shows in detail the procedure used in the
calibration of the portable instruments used in the

operation. It includes the placing of the source at the
ZERO point, it shows the marking of distances fram the source,
the monitors receiving instruction as to proper procedures,

and the procedure of the monitors in calibrating the portable
radiation survey instruments,

Placing of film strips in the Bureau of Yards and Docks structures
on the ZERO island.


Tocation and placement of braces for Bulfed containers on ZERO
island, This sequence also shows the containers in place,


Assembly and installation of both a cascade impactor and a

collective protector in an OCE structure on ZERO island,
Iagoon reentry survey boats from the BAIROKO,.

Bridge of BAIROKO operations on X-RAY day.
Monitor survey of Engebi.
Removal of films from BuShips structures,
containers and samples after X-RAY shot.

Removal of Bulled

Monitor briefing and equipment aboard BAIROKO, This
sequence shows briefing of monitor
issue of clothing, issue

of instruments, film badges and do.
vers. Details of the
disposable clothing is also included. Included also is the
return of the monitors after the completion of a mission.

Alpha photographic plate analysis.

RadOps room on BAIRCKO.
Island survey.

This sequence shavs the monitor operation of Engebi after the


It includes their arrival by LCL, operations,

reporting of results, and departure from island,

Select target paragraph3