

The first sample was taken for study, and divided,

The first

part arrived with LODR Vandergrift at the BAIROKO at 1330, and the
second arrived at Eniwetok with Lt, doy by 1740. The party became
contariinated to same extent and arrangements were made to clear this
party at Eniwetok,
The tank control operator was subject to some exposure, and to
protect this operation a second helicopter containing a monitor was
dispatched to accompiny and rewain forward of the operating plane,
Helicopter Operation ~- Radsafe Party Ho. 7
This mission consisted of the dispatch by helicopter, of members

of the LAJ~3 group to the lami cable on the test island, in order to

assist in the recovery of samples. It was essential that certain of
the samples on the land cable be recovered as quickly as possible in
order to take proper technical measurements. ‘Winding the cable on to
the drum of the winch took considerable time, and starting the dmm
prouptly saved tine for theAVR porty which later cane to the island
to complete the collection of the samples,
A monitor was sent as monitor for this party to accompany Dr. Ogle
and his assistants, The duties of the monitor included the clearing
of the landing for the other helicopters, standing by while the winch
was started, soins forward alony the cable ina jeep with Dr. Ogle to
recover samples near the sero point and later opening up the cache and
starting the radio conmunication.

Three helicopters were used.

It was found after X-RAY Day that

the operation would be facilitated if six men were sent in on this
operation, accompanied by two monitors, and this procedure was followed
on succeeding tests.

Cn X-RAY Day, a monitor cleared the landing of the other planes,

and went to the cache where he found the door blom in and the radio
inoperable, Several of the samples were missing from the cable as it
was wound in, and Dr. Ogle with the monitcr went forward to locate these

samples, The mission was accomplished in less than two hours with very
low exposure (200 mr) to all personnel, The monitor then returned to

the AVR and accompanied an unscheduled water cable party, Mo samples
were found cither afloat or on the bottom of the lnsoon, as far as could
be seen. Since the party went quite close to the zero point in the water,
considerably more exposure was thé result. Havever, the total received
was well within the tolerance established. Fore of the missing samples
were recovered in liter trips to the island,
Stratezic Plot Center
STRATEGIC PLOT maintained a fall-out chart of the Ingoon, and nearby

atolls of Kwajalein and Ujelang.

The Eniwetok atoll chart was kept up



Select target paragraph3