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r. GROUP TXPCSURD REcosDS (Continucd)
This infornation vill be entered on the Group Exposure Record
by th Radsafle Operation goetion and delivered to
the raddologicil satvty moniter sssipned to that pirty.
will to the monitor's respensibility to cnter the munber of the
film tedge snd pocket dosircter to bh dissucd onch party nombor
on this forrn.
Tho nonitor will bo responsible for the ontcreing on this form of the peeket desincter roading opposite the
approrriste mimo snd the collseticn of the Ciln badres ond
other instrurcnts.
If in the opinion of the monitor any or
All sonbers of tho perty roeuire personel docontanination or
that any unusurl went related to safety occurred, tho appro-=
pricte ronark will tt entered by himnoon this fern. At tho bote
ton of the roport the moniter vill ontor any cpproprinte remark
rocerdine the Munctiening of his instruments.
The voniter will
return th
Greup Expesure Records to the Instrument issue
Goss prourtly upon returning to the CVE.
It will vo certified
by hdr.
“hs roeard vill then be sent to the Radiological
Reeords Unit for th ontry of tho Lin bedge resdings.
unit wi'l dispatch the completed rocerd to the Revicw Reard
for consideration ef oxsesure data in the ovent thet ower oxe
posure is inileated, Vnon the ceonpletion of this roviow, tho
Group Oxpostre Record will be roturned to the Radiological Reo
cores Unit fer extreetion and recording of uxposure data on
the tiadividus] Radintion Exposure Record,
The Group Sxpesure
Record wlll then be filed.

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