
Bofore 1200 on X-r:y¥ sinus ¥Y (Potcer X-ray ainus 1) the

collcetiv. >rotuctor: ond riddosctivity dotccting cyuipmont di the Type a augouts wfll bo started by dr. Oi.,cl.


On Nerav sinus 6 (Peter Ker.y plus 1) collectiou of


BeSfere 1200 on X-rcy ninus 1 the coll. ctive prot ctors
and rvdic ctivity detecting cquipment vill be sturted by
ur. Siagel.


On Zeray plus 3, cr hon rudtologtcoul cufct™ cauditions
permit, the redioactivits records cad collvetive protceta:
rilters will bu cobleeted fren the 1,500 foot station by
tir. Shegel, a KRacsef renitor, end two mene
This - ill
de dome wher the stiucrure hiss Deca coved, inspectca an
shotogyrepacd vy tinfor DoBurbucleben unc a paotosr. pher,


On Xeroy plus 15, or hon rudiclo; Lend safyty conditions
permit, tie radioactivity rccords .nd collective protccto)
filters «fll be colluitid frou the 1,000 rot atetion by
ir. Shogel, a Radssfe moaitor, .nd tie hinds.
This will
ve done after the structure haus ben opemud, Inspected,
and protogruphed by eagor oeBurbele dea and c photocrepher.


oa sopmle of tie chtrceal .nd (ilter po pur in the collcce
tive protvctores vill oc Costed ror raddovuctivity by the

collective protcctor filt.r units will be sinmulatic at
the 1,500 root Sstition.

Laboratory Unit (7.6.4) co determing the quantity collec-

ted by these raterfils.
The radfouctivity records of the
dcteetls, co vipoent will soow hew aueh radlovctive

materiol ronvtrt.d tin, colllecutve protcctors,

Project 7.1-17/8h5(CC)-9 Partiele Size of Materi l in Cloud.
Instiilation of case.ce impactors in the four Corps of
Engincer dugoute will

de completed on Ajrey minus 9.

This will recuire one a.n to work with Mv. Stogel.

Two groups of Tour baotterics couch will be filled with
elcetrolyt: and chasy.d for ce period of 20-24 hours
starting on A-ray minus lo.


On X-ray minus & (Poter Xerey cinus 1) tie battcrios will
te coniectsd to the ciseade inmpaetor cauipwcut, and the

thaer will bu set te start and ston its operntios.

On X-rry csinus 6 (Pet.r i-ray plus 1) collection of the


On X-ray minus 1 the tiuer on the ouseude tupactor cyuipmont will be sect to sturt .nd vtop its ovcration dy lir.


On X-ray plus 2, or when radiolo, tenl sarcty conditions
perait, the casc.dc icpuctor at the 2,900 foot station

ease: du impecter «ill be rehoursed at tho 2,500 foot

will be cnllvetud.

6n X-ray plus 3, or when rrdiolovice? safety couditions


On X-ray plus 13, or shon r.ctolo, ical safety conaitions
yormmit, the ¢c:scude impactors ut the 1,000 root station
will be collected.
Tho cause.de Lupectors will be collected cet ouch of the cvuove mentioned stations by sr. Stegel,
accompauntiad by a gdsety
enitor. This will be dono ufter
the ctructure has
been wena, faspeeted wad photonrnphed
by Mejor DeBarbelctcn and a Photogrs-ovhor.

pemalt, tho erseade inpactors at the 1,500 root stations
will be collected.

Select target paragraph3