
AsNUX G (Contta)




be propered ta tukceafr inn fate‘ly ia ci Se the cloud
should drift serous the iat ‘tu.
Tao survey unis will
taks-9°F o8F che clo sion ut .-heur plus trirss (30)
minutes ond .t 5,900 rect
ledituve oredt at . point five
(S) attes ape ing tro: Potae Pad unedi dircetad be
Cormand.r, Air Forces to procecd with the fitgnt : laa
cs outlines Bolow. The curver pla. sdil concist of tre
(2) plges oo follows:
Muse To-

thea dircetid

by Cowsandsr, Air reves,

tho v-47

will cosenece survey .2 6,000 veet.
“trot lel fll be
over point Dero in w hark, advt vmmined co
gs to cvoid
ony ammine contaminated oir tugs.
add depo cill re
mace at. corstu.t abr opee. Gad alom, . cohet.oat Duarditg

ror three (3) -sdes on citausr side of polne cere.


plane sanla thes: tura wnat Ke .yotmer lo ct) on ongde
ef 0259 from the criv dui teo.
Abts aenmcuver whlbh be
vontiaved until < comacte cetorbuc ytteen vith Le ot

thowagle of 289 Los ben acc.

Aftee cousletin; this

Norisontal eli.ie rattere ts. sume yp“ter,eowite be flown
ot 4,000 Fret, 2,000 reet, oid lover if ruciolo,ied
safety conditions comtit.
-fter cowdetton af tne


Be Flown.

losor olloituce: tae gue


nattom will

Fhase Il - fftor eninletis. of Phooe Lf, tre Survey Unit
VLLL ritisg from the .o.0 cbated cro cue rejulst pere

mission to survoy above $,004" eat. If. -pgrovel is
reawived, th. .urvev unfit .ilioc.y 2 ctr (od) ufte Leg

at 6,000 “i. nhene the sate ued as the Tirst +cy in
Fhas. [T.
Tho as cena le coll bo
show at 7,Q00 fe.t cn

ter oxds Ade to tae virst des.

Paved ta

wccened ove



whe unit sheuld be pre-e

futons on cuch reversal

unthii norwl vaucesround £1 macud.

The Surves Veit whil de


If needed

above an

suce. ain wae

yep fed to renagat the flicnt

for rodbeicsfeaul

Vey of Groun

iv deemed meceosgrury,
sfeer purtoscs,

the wir Sur-

Contasiouthon wial Db. conuthmucu in c neli-

copter, erpe HOG.
She ¢ aor .b plan Yor thas survey will
De vertdeoal flishts over sala ctive areus, tuking
readines of th. ruaietdor fatcuv ity at varfous iltitudes.
These 2 orind readia,.
Pato be imucgr.ted uit: Vreund
readin; mode by proaunu sunftors abroctls Gone wth the
hullecpt.r unit.

Tne helbeortes curvey wiil net be conauct.a until th
frounc w.daction intensity ds ie
awouca to writ ec round

To de

wd neccnsury.

flight. on succouding

@ays 412 Doe mae, ond resdias tik over the same spots
us on the first dav of the curves.

Projeet 7.1-17/n-(BS}-5 Exnosur, of Panels ier DocontaminA.

ations .ad ileat Sensitivity studies.
Panel: coated with samples of
poroaisituly fifty uirferent types ane grador cu suld.ces meoprosontin, possible
coatings vor ships, -ivercit, oma sheres constructions
Wiii be oxposed at four distances: 750, 1,000, 1,250,

end 1,500 yeoris. ‘Wo sancks will be 2ounted for X-ray
test snd six (6) for Yok. test. Sever.l plustic co. tings

will be spplied to Yords ond vecks structures at tie
500 yard rumee for conyarison.
Tavse rancls huve Deen
minutely cxgaine. by the preoporit, wponefes and vill by
pnotorrreok.d after vrection

ALL creeticns will bo comeletc.. Dy X-ray minus 14 days.


+ AVAILAface BOBLntEa |Sa wuss


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wearer ot

Select target paragraph3