

Installetion of stuxc. will oc coupleted on Engcut
Isleond dy X-ray - 15 dav, on Aasun, ofisiri, and iojoa
by X-rey isimus 12 cay und o.. hunit by X-ray minus

10 deys.

Tilm badges sal) be attuched to stakos om norning of

Xerzty - 1, Yoke -1, ind Zeort - 1 days.
Puper to
Sirulat. Pllus sALL bs usec ior ull reohcarscais.

Collecticn of fhilu badces “£12 com.onec en Aeruy plus 2,

Yoko clus 2, end ceblra clus 2 d.vs, or u2 soon us
redioiogie:L surv y of wcro islund is completed, and will
continus as r picls as radfiola¢ienl safety conditions
permit. The tine of collection .1nd tue Lliteacity of the
Gefma rediation ou. co-sured with « portable woter will
be recorded us c&ch vader iu colicedt d.
Colidretion and cnalysis of all film Budees 1121 be
curricd out by Dr. faylor it the hational sureuu of
Stonuards, \ushingtoa, D.C..
Films ..ll be oir schippee

by couricr to the 43 ac rayfuly os powsibise, provebly

corssnencing Llowweek ft.r couch snot. aA priority lict for
analysis of Shins wilt bc orepurcad,.

Project 7.1-17/RS{BS)-2 Govsnu hur Shiolains.

Simple Shicids of stech .nd cf conercte vill ba erceted
on Dagebl wad pore Tslinc. for tna. surpose of nlceing
file bodecs bewind ond vitabu trem,
Other shielas will
be crested sioulutin, caclcsur.3 of acro or less complctoROSS HAS EroLStrbeul confi luration.
In uduition nuszcrous
film dedecs sill be pluccd is the corrs of In invers Type
nw ond © cugsuts, Lure-u of Yordsy ond Docks, end »FC
¢.% Several roestions, lvad-fiha howitzers will
de plaoced to acusure risultunt utrospheric ond Ground

aga test erections wiil be in place bv hers minus 9 end
oll sheltered iim bedacs installea on Encsecbvi orior to
Xersy minus 2 doy.
«ail tect ercetions will te compicted
on Jomen, Biijiri, ond Rojoa Isl.uids on Yoke sinus 2 day
and sll sheltered film badges sill dye iugeull.u by Chis






Collaction of filn. bucpes will begin on X-ray plus 2 dry
end Yoka plus 2 day ud continue uatil coapleted.
completion aepenaing upoa slety con: ideraticns
partics 411 be cngavcu in recovery ocrations eccouparice
by monitors for four vorkin, days.
ALL sites will de
photoyraphed dcfore «nd Sater euch test.

ae ~~,


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