Clothing ind Sautement (continued )


It is antielprited that an crche of material consistin
of shirts,
trousers, rubber beets, bootees and gloves wil
be ostabi Lshed on the Zore Island and used as replacement
This cache will also chataln soap, water and
gas masks,
Thts cache will be rieplenished as nocessary.

bor the

ronttors a



section of

struments Flir Baecs, etc, to

the hanger deck et




will ov designatcd,
Wonttors etl) present themgsulves at
the issuo desk with two copies of tha "Monttors Pata Sheet"
giving names of all rembers of the monitors party and the
fenoral type of survey tnstruments destred.
The fssuc

section will assirn flim badees, desimeters and survey

instrurents and the tnforratian on the type and nurcber of
the instrurants will be recerdod on beth cards.
One card
will rorstn with tho tssue sceticon and the ether will
accompiny th monitor,

Tenedfately upen corpletion of a mission the meniter
will return 311] Iinstrurents, destmetors, Sllm badgos, etc.
te the issuc soction along with complete information of
perforrance, cte,
The issue seetion will turn all records,
film badges, instrunonts, inferration, ctc, over to

interested partics in TG 7.6,

Speeifiec allocations Sco llows

Sach Vir Group Meniter wtll be furnished:
l Ion charver survey instrurent,



1/2 rretexireter,

1 Destinroter, Oe.
W/o Hich range desimeter (LOR er SOR},
1 Casualty drudge,
In alddittien 1 persensel film badee wtll be furntshed
fer crach plane crew rionbor,
Instrurents will be deliverod
to Kenajalein as

seen as sterape

fnetiitles are avatleblo,

Tcese instruments will be used fer training and will) be
exchanged for new equiprent three days pricr te tho first
Filr badges alenn with destmeter readings will be
returned by atr te the BATROKO each day,
Faulty dostrunents will bo dmmediatly re urned te the BATRORO fo ree
\J1 tnstrurents with the exception of thesa
noeded for monitoring atreraft and cquiprent along with
completo performance dsta will be returned te the BALROKO
on Zere plus 2 day,

A new group of

issucd 3 days prior te the naxt shet,



Tho Disaster Group will be equipped per nan as followss
De td be tet


instruronts will be

Casualty badge.

Wet nt


High range fon chamber
Alpha Fetor,

Personnel Anadee.

Desineter On,
Destreter 1OR,

Destnetor SOR,
Heed gas nask,

survey moter,

The gsro Pay Ashere Grodhs will be cquipped:

Fersonnel Cilm badgess
l per party rember,


oR Dosiraters
party rember,

oo per monitor and

2 per moniter and Lb per

Select target paragraph3