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When the sonitor of any plane finds that the radioactivity 1s of an

intensity such that an exposure of greator than 0.1 roentgens will be obtained
during the mission, he will immediately advise the pilot and immediate evasive

action will be taken to put the area of contamination diredtly on his stern ss
quickly as possible,


Protoction of yes at Zoro Hour,

Goheral purpose gogglos fitted with ND 4.5 filter replacosente will

be provided all personnel airborne at Zero Hour.

Senior radiological nonitor

attochod to air oporation units will see to it that they are availablo ani
will check to soo that oll porsonnel airborne at this time aro so oquipped
before taking to the air,

Ho will also soo to it that thoy have had previous

instruations in the propor uso of the goggles and in eye protection.

bd. At minus two (2) minutes all personnel will aifjust the special goggles.
(Note oxcoption as to co-pilots in paragraph o, below).

Co-pilots will take oxtra precautions to oneure greater safety. They

will attempt to protect eyes completely,

Co-pilot will havo goggles adjusted

by minus two (2) minutes ond will covor his eyes with bendod aras until after
the flash.

This will pormit co-pilot to take ower in case the pilot is

temporarily blinded.


If porsonnel are unavoidably in en aros on which radioactive material

from tho clouwi falls, those personnel should observe certain safety procautions,

They should immeiiatoly take cover in as air tight a location as is available.
Upon the advice of the sonior monitor present, gos masks will be worn.


persons actually contaminated by radioactive rain should romove their clothing
and wash thonselves off os rapidly as feasible.

No oating, drinking, or

smoking is allowed as long as rain continuos ani until decontamination je

The following roccamondations ere made for certain specific


Eniwetok and Parry Islands - All personnel take covor in buildings

previously selected by the monitor anid romain thore until danger from rein is

The sonitor will thon ¢.eck the area surrounding tho shelter to deter“



Select target paragraph3