

In addition to the instruments left for the Post-SANDSTONE Garrison
others were left to be used in monitoring the drone planes on their
return flight to the ZI.

These were as follows:

2 KX-6 Instruments
6 263A

2 Charging Baxes for Kelly-Koett dosimeters
2h, Kelly~Koett, 0.2r dosimeters

Upon the arrival of the drones at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, the
instruments will be packed and shipped to the Scientific Laboratory at
Los Alamos in accordance with instructions received from the AEC, where
they will be received by Mr. H, S. Allen.
Attached as Appendix "H" to this report is a copy of a memorandum

from Mr. Adrian H. Dahl to CTG-7.6, attention Lt. Commander Campbell,
dated 3 May 1948,

subject; "Packaging and Shipping Requirements for

RadSafe Instruments,"

It was Mr, Dahl's recommendation that a quantity

of instruments be held in stock at Ios Alamos,

In considering the List

of instruments for shipment to Los Alamos he endeavored to list only those

instruments which had proven to be of field use.

Those classes of equip-

ment which proved to be of no great merit for field use or which require
further development would be returned to Oak Ridge.

Only equipment which

he felt reasonably certain would be on hand at Oak Ridge as sufficient

surplus stock by 16 June, excluding the TG~7,6 RadSafe instruments, was
laboratory equipment such as scalers and

included to go to Los Alamos,

count rate meters would be returmd to Oak Ridge.

Mr. Dahl recommended

that facilities be established ti: keep the Los Alamos stock in operating

If at any time an emergency arises in the AEC where the Los

Alamos stock instruments are required elsewhere, a written request for

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Select target paragraph3