imported food.

There are, of course, other options

As was discussed in the

chapter on dietary and living patterns,

for reducing the dose via the terrestrial!

imported foods are very likely to form a_


significant fraction of the diet (possibly

One option would be to dig large

area pits on all islands which would be

85% or more) and, if so, a plan to con-

filled with "clean" soil from another

trol the production of pandanus and

source; pandanus, breadfruit, coconut

breadfruit, or at least the location of

and other plants could then be grown and

harvested from these "clean" soil areas
throughout the Atoll,

The subsequent

reduction in dose would lead to doses
from 90... equivalent to or less than
those predicted for the southern islands.

production, could essentially reduce dose |

commitments to levels near U.S. external background.

External Dose —~ The integral 30 yr

Another option would include rernoving

external dose is reduced between 30 and

the surface layer of soil (0-20 cm) from

70% for living patterns Ill, IV; V, and

the northern islands and replacing it with

VI as aresult of plowing the village

uncontaminated topsoil,

island and graveling the village area

This approach

should also lead to doses equal to or

where people will spend a majority of

less than those predicted for the southern

their time.


This form of remedial action

These procedures are fairly ,

“straightforward, relatively easy to

would in the process reduce the dose via

implement, and lead to the largest per-

the inhalation pathway,

centage reduction in external dose.

This alternative,


of course, requires the removal and

additional reduction in external dose of

disposition of an enormous amount of

approximately 16% could be attained if

soil, and ocean dumping, which would

all islands were plowed; however,

provide the large reservoir needed and

implementing such 2. program in order

minimizethe potential man-rem,

to achieve the additional slight reduction

would probably be the best and easiest
method of disposal,

This approach is

certainly not one of the easier alternatives.
Efforts to maintain a high calcium diet
could also be implemented to reduce the
uptake of 90¢,., however, remedial

is certainly another order-of-magnitude


In any case, any plan to plow

all islands would have to receive careful |

scrutiny to determine the possible effects
upon the island and Atoll ecology.

measures to reduce the uptake in the
plants or food product would be more
effective and desirable as the primary
preventive measure,

Of course, the dose commitment
would be largely eliminated if no pandanus,
breadfruit, or coconut were planted on
the Atoll for another 20 to 30 yr andif
the diet were to consist of predominantly

Marine Food Chain — The mmaringfod
chain would appear to require
no remedial


action (see marine food chain chapter ).


The marine pathway contribution to the

30-yr integral dose for the modified case
and for agriculture on southern islands
(Table 210) is less than 4% for whole

Select target paragraph3