
the statistics and risk estimate drawn therefrom has therefore

led the Task Groupto have serious reservations about their


validity. The Task Group holds the opinion that such estimates
cannot be used in any definitive way to draw conclusions on
whether current radiation standards are too high or too low

or as a basis for decision-making relative to resettlement of
Enewetak Atoll.

While the risk associated with doses at the

level of current standards is possibly not zero, itis viewed
as being very low as described by FRC, ICRP, and NCRP,

‘The basic FRC standards, conservatively applied, are viewed
as suitable for Enewetak rehabilitation provided there is also
a serious and concerted effort to keep exposures as lowas


SEC SUR vey (Wo 4Yd )



Remedial Action


Terrestrial Food Chain—The doses

estimated for the various living patterns
j widicate that careful assessment and
sign of anagricultural plan must be an
7 istegral part of the program plan for
; returning people to the Atoll.


r example, the southern half of the Atoll

M-1s sufficient land area to supply pandanus,
breadfruit, and coconut for the entire

B returning pooulation; therefore, even
Bi people were to live on Engebi, the dose
commitment could be greatly reduced by
4 confining agriculture to the southern half

4% the Atoll,

This one restriction,

‘pecially for pandanus, breadfruit, and

‘oconut would be the single most effec‘ive preventive measure for reducing the

*0se commitment.

The combination of
“odifying the village island and living
‘rea and, confining the agriculture to the
‘outhern islands, both relatively easy to
mMplement, have a very large
impact on

“ducing the dose (compare Tables 204





Select target paragraph3