
the atoll as a whole,

‘est sertes,

and the three successive

tne evidence from Figure 2 suggests that the 1956

8 curntributed not mure than 1/100 as much radioactivity as
tie orig?nil 1754 fallout,

uni the 195@ sertes, not more than

27,5. 28 nwuch as trie 1956 serios.
Ps ko CGulcladed un.t t..e northern part of Rongelap Atoll
rene ied a heavier Calicut from che March 1,
Cia tie couthern part.

1954 detonation at

In contrast,

the relatively

Callout Prom luver detonitions affected the southern

Tnoun tae northern parts of the atoll,

as is evidenced by

tae hisier levels of rudto.ctivity at Rongelap Island than at


ae a ce el

Select target paragraph3