
is -2.5.

Compensating for the additions from the 1956 fallout

would only imperceptibly steepen tne decline, thus increasing

the liff2rence between decay and decline slopes”.


Tne consistent agreement in decay rate between the two.
plankton samples resulting from paired tows (Gast eolun of
Table 1)

4s a phenomenon of special interest.

‘AS examples, the

pair of samples from Ailinglinae on Cectober 23, 1995 had. decay

slopes of -1.58 and -1.53 while the pair of samples from the same


lagoon on the following day had slopes of -1. 7.and “1.Bi the ao
ecunts in January 1955 also show nearly equal deckrates for the

paired tows.




This uniformity in decay rate for paired plankton

tows Suggests uniformity in radiochemical compos tion. at any one

time anu locality, but different composition in the plankton at

differyent times or localities.




Durin; the first 2 years (1954-55) Kabelle Island samples
- were 2-3 times as radioactive as those from Rongelap Island. _ The
195€ Recwing series raised the July 3956 values of the Rongelap

Island region above those of Kabelle, but by July 2957 Rongelap
values declined to a level far below Kabelle, only to exceed (although not significantly) Kabeile again in March 1958. “By August :
of 1353 Rongelap was s$iid significantly higher than. Kabelle.


fallout from the Hardtack series is reflected tn the higher levels

of activity in August, than in Mareh 1958.

Select target paragraph3