Eniwetok Island were not included in any programs or budgets, authority for required work was obtained with great difficulty.

Therefore, a badly needed long

range construction plan for Eniwetok Island was developed, coordinated with the

task groups and submitted to the AEC.


The medical facilities in the forward

area proved entirely adequate and were based on a 15-day forward area evacuation

The Army Task Group provided hospital facilities on Eniwetok Island. The

AEC contractor provided an infirmary and aid stations on Parry Island and at
various Bikini campsites.
forces afloat.

The Navy Task Group provided medical services to the

Personnel used the closest available medical facility.


Communications during CASTLE were characterized by a necessity for relia-

bility, flexibility and ability to speedily handle a large volume of messages of a
high degree of security.

Communfeations security was given major emphasis,

Task force personnel

‘were thoroughly indoctrinated in the necessity for commmications security and
radio circuits were closely monitored.

Security was found to be unusually good

but in some instances military communications security regulations (i.e., JANAP

121, 122, AFSAG 1248) unnecessarily hampered operations.

Operation CASTLE was

recognized as an atomic test - not a tactical military operation - and normal
military communications practices were modified where necessary to fit test requirements and expedite operations.

Variations and conflicts between communica-

tions regulations and practices of the AEC and the DOD created serious operational

Strenuous efforts were made to provide secure facilities for the

rapid exchange of elassified information and these greatly accelerated operations.
Much automatic on-line cryptographic equipment was employed to handle the unusually large amount of classified messages.

It operated very satisfactorily with

speed and accuracy and required a relatively small number of operators for the
heavy volume of traffic.

Radioteletype circuits formed the main communications system.


connected the Pacific Proving Grounds with the AEC and scientific installations
through Los Alamos, New Mexico; with worldwide Army and Navy communications




Select target paragraph3