atoll cargo tonnage handled was 74,887.6 measurement tons and the interisland

tonnage amounted to 1,304,488.6 measurement tons for a total of 1,379,376.2 measurement tons.

The number of personnel transported interatoll amounted to 1,429

passengers and the passengers transported interisland amounted to 275,718 for a
total of 277,147 passengers.

The air transportation of personnel (interatoll and interisland) from

1 January 1954 through May 1954 amounted to 24,078 passengers.


In the ZI normal support of the military elements of the task force

was provided through established supply sources of the respective military
Services, while support of the AEC elements was provided by Los Alamos Scientific
Laboratory, University of California Radiation Laboratory and associated activities and contractors.

In the forward area the military elements of the task force were

supported by ZI depots and other military supply activities with the exception of
petroleum, ofl and lubricants which were provided by the Commander, Service Force,

Pacific Fleet (COMSERVPAC),

The Overseas Supply Agency (OSA), San Francisco Port

of Enbarkation, processed all Army supply requisitions except emergency requests.
Naval material was furnished principally through the Naval Supply Centers at

Oakland, California and Pearl Harbor, T.H., while the Air Force Task Group received its support from the Sacramento Air Material Area, Sacramento, California.

Emergency support was provided by U.S. Army, Pacific (USARPAC); COMSERVPAC; Hickam
Air Force Base and U.S, Naval Station, Kwajalein.

The AEC elements in the forward

area were supported in the same manner as in the ZI, utilizing military port and
shipping facilities.

Technical and nonstandard items peculiar to the conduct of the tests

were obtained from the AEC, appropriate military Service or commercial contractor
sources by special arrangement in each case.

No problems that could not be resolved were encountered in the supply

of the task force,


The AEC contractor, Holmes and Narver,

Incorporated, maintained the fixed plant, except communications facilities, on
Eniwetok and Bikini Atolls.

Since provisions for maintenance and construction on



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