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similar to those dropped on Japan. In Operation

Crossroads, two bombs were detonated—the first,
ABLE, an air drop over the 90-ship target array

in Bikini Lagoon; the second, BAKER, an underwater explosion.
Ogle sawthe first detonation, not as a flat picture, but with all the attendant effects of sound
and shock. And 21 more he witnessed at Bikini.
For Operation Crossroads was only the first of
many nuclear tests in the Pacific. Ogle has participated in all of them, as an experimenter, adminis-

trator for test group operations, and lastly as
Scientific Deputy for Joint Task Force Eight.
Although test operations shifted to Eniwetok
Atoll in 1948 for Operation Sandstone, the increased rate of field testing and the advent of very
high yield test detonations, with associated problems of site contamination from both, made it
necessary to expand the Pacific Proving Ground.
Bikini Atoll, 194 miles east of Eniwetok, once
again becamethe scene of nuclear weaponstesting for Operation Castle in 1954. It was used
until August 22, 1958, when Juniper shot of
Operation Hardtack-Phase I signalled the end of
Bikini's use asa testsite.

This date also marked the beginning of a moratoriuminitiated by President Dwight Eisenhower
which resulted in a complete cessation of all nuclear tests until late 1961 when Soviet Russia

ended the moratorium with a full scale atmospheric test series. The United States followed suit

with Operation Dominic, but did not use either
Eniwetok or Bikini as a Pacific test site. Dominic

utilized Christmas Island, an atoll previously used

by the British for their nuclear testing program.

Following the end of Dominic in the fall of 1962,

negotiations between the United States and
Russia culminated in the limited Test Ban Treaty
of 1963 which prohibits all nuclear tests in the

Although the beautiful islands of Bikini Atoll

are far distant from the Jemez mountains of New
Mexico, once they were temporary home for men

from Los Alamos. Many LASL employees as-

signed to nuclear test operations remember them
well, if not always fondly, for overseas duty was
frequently long.
As full sunlight illuminated the atoll, our atrcraft banked low over Enyu Island's air strip and

continued on next page

The air strip on Enyu Istand can be
seen in the foreground of this photo

of Bikini Atoll. Bikini Island is just below

the misty rain clouds which frequently
hang over the atoll during the afternoon.

Select target paragraph3