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Bulldozed strips, 56 feet apart, which

will be planted with coconut trees,
right, can be seen in this aerial view

oT pe pepperore

of Bikini Island.

control team is supposed to arrive and carry out
a vigorous Campaign to eradicate or drastically
reduce the present thriving population of rats on
Envu and Bikini islands. In addition to the 60,000
coconut trees to be planted on Bikini, 4.000 will

be planted on Enyu and on both islands an un-

Colonel Rawlings holds a wahoo,
above, caught near the atoll. Fishing
is good. At bottom Admiral Mustin is
framed by debris as he walks the beach
on Bikini Island.

known quantity of breadfruit, pandanus and bananas will be started.
It is not often that one really has the opportunity to visit the landscape of a dream. Manylittle
vignettes of Bikini-1969, will remain in my memery perhaps even longer than the original one of
more than two decades ago. . . Bill Ogle sporting
a green hat, gav with pink flower print, strolling
nostalvically along a lonely beach on Eniiriku
... Admiral Mustin gleefully picking up Japanese
fishing floats which drift ashore in abundance...
the soft air and balmy trade winds late in the
evening . . . the sounds of rain in the night, the
rustling palm fronds and the always audible roar
of the surf on the reef . . . a chapel repaired and
refurbished for use of the returning Bikinians by
electrician “Dutch” Robertson who devoted his

off duty time to this people-to-people Christian
gesture . . . the flashing gold and iridescent purples of a mahi mahi caught in the lagoon and the
incredible colors of the smaller fish in the coral
gardens near shore.
Bikini todayis proof that some dreams do come

true .... Magistrate Juda led his people away

willingly “for the goodness of mankind.” But
Juda will not return.
He died four months before the announcement

that the atoll would be returned to its people. &

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