SLIDES 45-47
Mode of intake. Ingestion of fish and locally grown food items were assumed
to be predominant intake pathways. This hypothesis was based on direct

observation of diet habits, the correspondance of increasing or decreasing
body burdens with availability of Locally grown food products, and the results
of airborne activity measurements.
The dietary intake of 137¢¢ was a major component contributing to the

committed effective dose equivalent for the years after the initial

contamination of the atolls.
For persons whose diet included fish, 657, was a
major component of committed effective dose equivalent for the initial years
post return to Utirik.
Diet habits varied from atoll to atoll and depended on the quantity and

quality of imported foods. At Bikini during the 1970's and when body burdens
rose rapidly, imported foods were described as bland and tasteless.
Differences in diet were observed directly by us and may be related to the
fact that atoll to atoll body~burden ratios were not similar to ratios for
levels of activity in plants or animals.


Select target paragraph3