The calculation proceeds as follows:

For each shot calculate the proper distribution of its fission
Define refractory and volatile mass chains and refractory

fractions of mass chains 91, 140 and 141.
Allow for fractionation by removing a fraction of the
refractory phase.
Calculate the curies of each fission product present as a
function of time and the total for each decay time.
Calculate the mR/hr due to each fission product present as a
function of time and the total for each decay time.
Calculate the curies of each neutron-induced nuclide allowing
for fractionation and the total for each decay time.
Calculate the mR/hr of each neutron-induced nuclide and the
total for each decay time.
Sum the total fission product and total neutron- induced
nuclide curies.
Sum the total fission product and total neutron-induced mR/hr.
Normalize to an external gamma-ray exposure rate of 1 mR/hr at

12 hr postshot by dividing every value by the total mR/hr at
12 hr postshot.
Fit the total normalized uCi/m@ and mR/hr by the method of
Teast squares to the form





Select target paragraph3