Offsite fallout is characterized by an excess of volatile phase,
because the smaller particles tend to be deposited farther from ground


The calculation of fractionation effects for offsite fallout is

straightforward according to the picture above:

refractory phase in the calculation.

remove some of the

The composition of each phase is

determined by the volatility of elements at 1500°C (Appendix 1).
fission product elements of a given


mass number are either all

volatile or all refractory, except the mass chains 91, 140 and 141.
The refractory fractions of these latter chains have been determined at
20 sec postshot (Appendix 2, Sec. A2). and these mass chains partitioned

The computer program allows removal of any fraction of

the refractory phase.


The purpose of these calculations is to relate the ground surface

concentration (uCi/m?) of every radionuclide to the external
gamma-ray exposure Tevels (mR/hr) from the fallout pattern as a
function of time and fractionation behavior.

The results of the

calculation are the contributions of each of 152 fission products and
‘each of 25 neutron-induced nuclides to the surface deposition and to
the external gamma-ray exposure levels.

These values and the sums of

all values at each decay interval are computed from zero time to 50
years postshot.

The entire calculation is outlined in this section and

is described in detail in Appendix 2.

Select target paragraph3