The rockets were caged in position on the launchers during all events until the shock wave
passed. In Figure 2.2, all rockets were caged except the one in the lower right-hand corner,
on which the caging clamps stand open and are visible just above tne supporting A-frame. The
cages were closed with explosive bolts, whose detonation by the timer just prior to launching
uncaged the rockets.
Nine rockets were expended making preoperational flight tests and obtaining trajectory information. Figure 2.3 is a plot of range versus altitude for various quadrant elevations of
launching of the rockets from sea level in a standard (National Advisory Council for Aeronautics)
atmosphere. Time marks are indicated on the trajectories. Trajectories were calculated from
information gathered at test firings at the Naval Air Missile Test Center, Point Mugu, California,
and at White Sands Proving Grounds, New Mexico. Four rounds were fired at Point Mugu and
five at White Sands. Of these, eight were fired at a quadrant elevation of Y, radian (28.6 degrees),
and one, at an elevation of v4, radians (85.9 degrees). Rockets were tracked by photothcodolites,
skin-tracking radar, and velocimeters (doppler radar). The velocimeter and phctotheodolites
were able to track the rockets to burnout, whereas radar tracked them to impact.
One test rocket was fired in the field in conjunction with the Shot Cherokee dry run to check
out the complete system, including the Site How launching station and the Site Nan and USS
Knudson receiving stations. The USS Knudson was stationed at a point which was ac the same
general bearing and range relative to the test rocket trajectory as tne planned trajectories tor
Shot Cherokee. Goodsignal strength was received at both reveiving stations.
2.2.2 Radiation Transducers. The transducer (Figure 2.4), composed of the ionization chamber and the blocking oscillator circuit, was assembled as a single compact unit and mounted in
the forward part of the ogive of each rocket. The ion chamber-electrometer devices were capable of measuring gamma radiation at dose rates from at least 10,000 r/hr to less than 10 r/nr
with an energy response of 0.1 to 2.0 Mev. The electrometer circuit was designed to operate
in a cyclic mode to produce pulses directly preportional to the dose rate. The pulses modulated
the telemetering FM transmitter (Ralph M. Parsons Company Model 7501,, which supplied 2 or
3 watts to the antenna (a TYs-inch spike protruding fromthe nose of the rocket).
The ton chamber had the following characteristics:
Type of construction - Parallel-plate guard ringed
Gas and pressure ~ Pure Argon, 15 atmospheres
Collecting volume ~ Nominal 100 cc
Maximum radiation rate ~ 10,000 r/hr

Current output - Nominal 107" amps/r/hr

High voltage electrode voltage ~ 180 volts
Number of plates - 4 HV, 3 collecting
Collecting-to-HV electrode capacitance - 40 to 50 ypf

Plate spacing - 0.48 cm
Beta response - None

The energy response of the chamber alone was not specified, as it was measured as a function
of direction over the entire 47 solid angle as installed in the rocket.
The electrometer circuit was the simple blocking oscillator shown in Figure 2.4. Its operation may be briefly traced as follows. If a pulse has just occurred, the grid of the electrometer
tube is at a negative potential of 10 to 15 volts with respect to ground and completely cuts off the
tube. Ionization caused by gamma radiation incident on the chamber discharges the chamber
capacitance; since the ion chamber is completely saturated, the discharge is linear with respect

to time. As the grid voltage rises, the tube gradually reaches a critical trigger value, at which
time rezeneration occurs through the chamber capacitance. Th chamber is recharged by grid
current as the pulse occurs; when the pulse falls, the grid diode action ceases and the grid re-

sets to the negative cut-off potential. Each pulse out represents a certain increment of dose,
so the repetition rate of the pulses is proportional to the dose rate. The nominal pulse-rate of
the circuit was 0.2 pps/r/hr, so the upper pulse-rate at 10,000 r/hr was 2 kc and the incremen15

Select target paragraph3