In plannin; and preparing for defense against atomic warfare civilian
communities eed ‘acta abouts

danse caused oy atouic weapons to persona,
strictures, iichvars, utility services;


aftereoffects from radiation released by atomic weapons


protection of people, structures, services against dam,o


relief of suffering, restoration of services, decontamination

of areas, oto., after atomio attack,
tach of this sane information is required in military planninz for.
atomic warfare,

26searc!: and etaudy developing such faots have been carried

on by the Jenhattan invineer District and subsequently by the Atoale inerry
Commission and oy a number of aencies of the Department of Defense.

Some of

the results of the siadies bave been classified and restricted in distribution;

other resilts are inclassified or nave been declassified,
The Atomic znercy Comniseion :ag contimed to carry on such stucles
and pablign the results incer the apsrepriate classification, as did the

“Mannattan vlatrict.

“lore tha. 40.) documenta issued by the JED or the Aco

are usefil in civil defense alanniing and operations,
unclassified or ave been declassified,

Joma 160 of these are

The majority have been published in

professional and technical journale and most of the medical and biclocical
work will be included in the “ational Suelear Energy Series of volunen.


the nacional interest demands it, same or all of the remaining 245, after

careful editing tor sooirity way be declasaified,

In addition, several sundred

oiner classiifed atudies orovice baczjround information.




Select target paragraph3