


Lilicnthal to “Mr. Steelman, dated



July 7, 1949, stating in parts

"Je note the proposed assignment to the GSA of primary plancing
rosy: nsibility in the imvdeiate future for wartir-o disaster

raliof and tie listing of the AEC as a participating agency In
this planning procrama. The Corriiasion will, of coursoa, de lad
+o assist the 33A in the fulfilment of ita regponsibilitiosecee

the Corissicon feels that it ean make an important contributions.

eooe ty making available to the GSA technical information on which
plaminz for disaster relief against radiolorical warfare must
necusgarily be basedecceceto antialpate that the Comission's role

in oivil defense planning will be in large measure one of supplying
information to other erencles with* Primary responsibt lity for
oivil defense planning."


the full toxt of this letter ia attached as ippendi.x Be


Select target paragraph3