
July 17, 1979

sentence to be completed for the medical and for the monitoring
programs: "The recommended program is estimated to cost from
per year in 1981 to $
per year in 1986."
1 know that such projections are uncertain and are very difficult

to predict.

Nevertheless, these estimates are for presentation

to the President and so must represent our best estimate for all
anticipated program requirements.

A draft of the projected costs, together with a cost breakdown to
the extent possible would be appreciated by COB July 25, 1979.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
you have any questions re this matter.

Please let me know if

Bruce. W. Wachholz, Ph.D.
Office of Environment

Mrs. Clusen, ASEV
Dr. Liverman, DASEV
Mr. Hollister, SA/ASEV
Dr. Burr, OHER
Dr. Watters, QHER
Dr. McCammon, OHER
Mr. Mayhew, DFS
Mr. Conaway, DFS
Mr. Dix, OESD
Mr. McCraw, OESD

Select target paragraph3