MOLT 73S een pate: REPLY TO U.S. DEPaxTMENT OF ENERGY July 17, 1979 memorandum ATINoF: EV-21 sussect: COST PROJECTIONS FOR DOE PROGRAMS IN THE PACIFIC ro: Yared, Walt Weyzen, OHER Joe Deal, OESD On June 2] a letter was sent from Ruth Clusen to Richard Stone re above subject, together with an enclosure which described the expected pro- grams and projected costs through 1983 (see attached). At a July 16 meeting at OMB, DOJ, DOD, DOI and OMSN, DOE was asked to reassess these costs and to project them to 1986, both for the medical treatment program and for the monitoring and assessment program. These projections should address: A. B. For the medical program (Weyzen): 1. Including the populations of additional atolls as warranted by radiological findings or by political necessities (Likiep, Wotje, Mejit, Ailuk, Jemo). 2. Expected costs as the population ages. 3. Current levels of care should be the guiding criteria. For monitoring and assessment (Deal): 1. Do current projections include periodic monitoring of all atolls ({i.e., those above plus Rongelap, Utirik, Bikini, Enewetak) ? 2. 3. How frequently should such monitoring be conducted, what is the expected cost, and in which years? How frequently will dose assessments be required, in which years, and at what costs? 4. The above should be included in cost projections in the 5. It would be expected that any OHER environmental costs 1981-86 time period. (i.e., LLL, MPML) will be included in these cost estimates. OMB is not interested in a straight inflation factor using our previously submitted costs as a base. They do wish to make sure that U.S. responsibilities are included in the cost estimates. They wish the following