live elsewhere for about three years before they could return to their

In reviewing the data that indicates that the Utirik people were exposed
to considerably less radiation than the people of Rongelap, one must conclude that the dose estimates are made at the time were essentially
correct, , with the exception of the dose to the childrens thyroids which

I shall address later.

This conclusion is based not only on the actual dose

estimates from measurements on the island.

Even more important is that

the Utirik people showed only very minor, if any, symptoms of early disease
from exposure, indicating that the exposure must have been


less than was seen on Rongelap island.

Following the return to the island, it was decided that regular medical
examinations of the exposed people of Utirik were to be done.


examinations wereconducted at regular intervals were eondueted to
assure that they had not been harmed. Examinations were done in 1957,

1959, 1963, 1969, 1972 and 1975.

In addition to complete physical

examinations, thyroid examinations and sick calls were held every year.
Adise; In recent years there have been

United States doctors visits -have

visited Utirik every three months.

In conducting these-medieal examinatierns;

In addition to examining

the people who had been exposed to radiation, the doctors selected a


Select target paragraph3