To the Chiefs and All People in Utirik Atoll

Your letter to Mr. Roger Ray, dated July 1976, has been received

by this office.

We wish to thank you for sending this letter and bringing

your views to our attention.

We have carefully considered your views,

as presented in your letter, and we appreciate the opportunity to answer
your thoughtful questions.

Even today, there are many facts about radiation that are not known,
despite the large number of scientists that have studied this subject for
the past-20--o7 more than 30 years.

Even less was known about radia-

tion in 1954 at the time of the exposure of the people on Rongelap and

Based on all available knowledge on radiation at that time, and

using the their best judgment, the American doctors determined estimated
that the people of Utirik were exposed enly to only a small amount of

Hence, there was general agreement among the doctors that

the Utirik people would not, in the future,

caused by radiation.

show any diseases ill effects

Also, since they had-shown- little er-ne effects-oef

theix-expesuxe, the relatively low levels of radiation soon disappeared
from Utirik, the Utirik people were returned to this-island their island
before some of the other populations.

Rongelap, however, was more

heavily contaminated with radioactivity so the people of this island had to


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