External exposure measurements. In April 1975, BNL personnel initiated an
external survey of Bikini Atoll in order to obtain information concerning the

ambient external radiation levels resulting from the mid 1950's weapons

testing program and to make dose equivalent determinations for the individuals

living in the surveyed area.

From 1975 to 1977, measurements were made to

provide sufficient information on the external exposure received by the
Marshallese people.

The equipment used were a Reuter Stokes environmental radiation monitor,

model RSS~1l11, and a Baird-Atomic scintillation detector consisting of a

sodium fodide detector (2.5 cm in diameter by 3.9 cm in length) connected to a
ratemeter readout. Portable survey meters were used to help locate gross

changes in the external exposure rate.
Lithium fluoride thermoluminescent
dosimeters were left on Bikini Island for several months and retrieved in

December 1975.

Environmental exposure levels were assessed via the RSS-111.
The Nal
gamma spectrometer was used by us to determine the photon energy distribution
and to compensate for the nonlinearity in the RSS-1l11 instrument response.

Select target paragraph3