TG 132.1 Administrative Plan

Security - Annex B

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Requests for such clearances will be forwarded by the Commander, TG

132.1, to HQ, JTF 132, with a statement indicating that items (1)
through (4) preceding have been complied with, and attaching one (1)
front view (head and bust) and one (1) profile view (face and shoulder)
photograph (2" x 2b") of the individual, and statement of date and

Place of birth. Also, a Restricted Security Oath (as required by JIF
Security Letter Nn, 7A, dated 31 January 1952, subject: Personnel
Clearance Policy) will be executed by the applicant for cryptographic
clearance and forwarded with the request for clearance.
When granted, such cryptographic clearances will remain in effect for

the duration of JIF 132, unless sooner revoked.



Personnel to be assigned to HQ, TC 132.1, at Los Alamos, New Mexico,

should not report for duty until their AEC "Q" clearance has been

granted by the AEC.

TG 132.1 personnel required to visit AEC or AEC contractor installations,
including Eniwetok Atoll, must arrange for Security approval of such
visits through their respective local AEC security office.
Visits of TG 132.1 personnel to DOD or DOD contractor establishments,

if by AEC and AEC contractor personnel, will be cleared through the
Assistant Chief of Staff, J-2, TG 132.1; if by DOD or DOD contractor
personnel, through normal service channels.
Forward Area

Under the provisions of JCS 2179/3, CinCPac exercises for the JCS
responsibility for the general area security of Eniwetok Atoll.
Access to Eniwetok Atoll must be in compliance with CinCPac directive
020, dated 1 April 1952, subject: Eniwetok Atoll; Security Instructions
and Procedures. Basically, this requires TWX notification through
CinCPac to ComNavSta, Kwajalein, and AtCom Eniwetok, advising of EC

"Q" or "P" clearance status, or a statement that the traveller is

considered to be a "good security risk."

All personnel of TG 132.1 except Holmes and Narver employees proceeding

to the forward area may do so only on the basis of travel orders issued
by or upon the authority of the Assistant Chief of Staff, J-1, TG 132.1,

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