TG 132.1



Security - Annex B


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Completed forms are forwarded to HQ, JIF 132, by the J=2 Section, TG

132.1, for processing to the AEC.

"Q" clearances granted for participation in Ivy with JIF 132 will be

terminated upon the disassociation of the individual with the Task Force,
insofar as JTF 132 is concerned. This does not necessarily mean that
such clearances will be completely terminated by the AEC, as upon request
from the parent organization of the individual to the sEC, such clearances,
if required, will be extended to the requestor.
Upon completion of assignment to JIF 132, personnel will be required to

execute a Security Termination Statement (as prescribed in JTF 132
Security Letters No. 10, dated 19 March 1952, and 10A, dated eh

July 1952), Type A or Type B, as appropriate.

Type "A" - For personnel whose work after association with JTF
132 will not require them to retain or utilize any document or
thing containing information classified "Confidential" or higher
pertaining to JTF 132 activities, to which access was obtained

during assignment with JTF 132.

Type "B"


For personnel whose work after association with

JIF 132 will require the retention or utilization of material

described under (1) preceding.
Cryptographic Clearances

The Commander, JTF 132, will issue cryptographic clearances to personnel assigned to JTF 132 based upon the standards of the service
concerned and a "Q" clearance granted by the AEC.
To safeguard the prescribed cryptographic systema, the selection of
personnel for cryptographic duties requires that they:


Be of excellent character and citizen of U.S.


Have no intimate connection with aliens, either in the U.S. or


Have unquestionable loyalty, integrity, discretion, and trust-


Have financial statue or habits which render unlikely their

in foreign countries.


succumbing to any temptation associated with possible monetary
bribe offers.

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