COMPTMLUICt GENERAL OF TK UNITED STATES WASHIMETOM, DC, iahit B-1655+6 To the Presicent of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives The Enewetak Atoil project represents a unique attempt ov the United States to clean up an area racicactively contaminated during rmuclear tests and resettie the pecple. Enewerak Atoll, located in the Marsnall Islands, of che Trusc Territory of the Pacitic Islanecs. is scart This repcst ciscusses the roles of the Federal asencies involved and icenctittes issues which shculd se resolvec before tne United States can consicer the sroject finished. This is a restricted report with limited Gistricucticn al tNis time since necoriations setween the Unitec States anc tne Marsnall isiancs political Status Commissicn ccncerning the encing crt the trusteeship acreement are currentiy in freeress. It is therefore selievec that reiease Cl O@ tnis recort while necotiations are in procress would net in the cSest interest cf ent. Or we @re Derense, sending cotie tne Int2rior.- to te the cecretaries : Zomperciliar General ef che Unitec Stare 5001485 |