
i a {RUE ROD








in serteia infustries and the need for ween vore information ls urgent.


Under these conditions this information canst de withheld because cf

ita possible valle to s potential aneny. Ae indicated in the text ef the
repart, American workers net in atomic energy activities have suffered
from beryliiue palsesing aad the iafornstion as to ite treataent is not

considered. restricted date, nor should it be withheld om ereunds of

military security.
Ba, 9 ~ Au your letter states, *Setailed” discussion of radicactive esetes are “prisariiy" cf taterest to atcalc exergy workers, but
the gueeral public ani particularly geople living meer 400 laste)lations,

are qoite properly interested in the seasures token by the dosaleaion te
covure safe handling of waste onterials and S€ prevent their relesse in
any quemtitias wnich sight be oven remotely boraful.

It is dagortent

thet the public be informed as to the tealency of cartein living organtens
te concentrate rediesctivity, therefera, aince am santion is nade of
security, nor of poseible aid t a potential sammy, your recessendation for

elation of tale inforention ceanst be accepted.


The plostosium references ia your Ltes 9 have been deleted fros

the report, at bat the refsrence te the proposed special report on

radioactive wastes, (See Gallays 22 & 23)
bo. 1D ~ Inthesheanoe
ofsay reference ta_securitg or-pessible
aidto-enapeny;endJn view of tie tmportance of this type of iaforustion

Select target paragraph3