Wr. PFillica Tobster

ho. 3 = Neferences ty weturicrytiun in recetors, rides uns evveruc La

tro Coanisadunte Fifth oe ort, wore revdnced by tis thete.nt Uned tue
aanngesant at

cenfyra au tole wee la eaboaiie, tae ocufub Lige of the

pe etora, (Gn le, do. 5)

The reference t: glutoadum

conuction his buaa emnged in eccurd nce

aith the views of tho wirrect r of crovuction omi of Georel Wen is,
in@ now ralotes tr oeffletone: fo orewweh eae wont ouentitye. Pe co
ToL GC neur, “cnevir,
nour cbjection a
tla sheblovent Cueb
Y Cigplhensbla actarinlL 2a
boo tot thre ba yte


fla. 4 - The change sugceatec in th. cevcriuiiia of the ruvctor .rogren
44 bean aade on the beats of other coutlev.. boene than tooss @ t forth
an your letter.

Now 5 - In the sucticn on -ccountsbility systeus, your refcrence to

‘some dble ocinia of wor knege? is aot cleer, but Lio s osrently liaiicaten
tie peragre hoon Gelicy do. 47 umver the cubnead, "Testing curing scene
tinnous opcreticone Tuts cps oresh, voces cles gont tae the rofurence
bey We $, to wi leh oun objecucu, AS bogr sulctentia lly pavicad ta rer ve
tro ref rance Coin spacdide
fo oat ram teebtha dy oe of weterhal.
Tn tuia paction of tos re ort, cark actaeclethvn: pevg@ Bead onde
of referancenm whica you oc oc va ted la inde (oe hiey hee geome 6%)

flo. 6 + The reference to “head dle te oo Clokingubene. fros thu oflacts

on individusia," is wot clecr, but all of tue eansioa chtea cove been

Coleted (Malley Pl}. Those reicts ty the slae of tio crator zt. cugoru.,
two refurences vo tue toler nee ting in tie durreunving urea, esa tbe
Stetenont toast “ololoa,jie 2 itiatuleda nove baw to out elgh in iavort ace
Lise ecnteried guy ith es:lociwe furee.* This stotenunt waa jot &

"thading,* sat prleted oeniv ts racurvey3 -f bDiolu.te: 1 cfficka weveral
years after tie tacts.
Ho. Te On the satter uf

Lun doug toxdedty, st lesst four resecreh

gepere of slutenive ,oisenis., om Lis tresbwat have besu dechosrifinc.

The Sufora. tion cevelosed in toda rescaron i? cunsivered of vitel ia

portance teouedle. u sel uce cn aot Some te ue cacleustite ble uoder
the Guide. Ite oussiblu vi sue io
tial o ery coule not 06 Gene
rivtered ag fastific tion for tae cathh ledaug either Prom toc sector |
votesaion op tie yoared oateace oF tater ctscm i auch ere vt Liidfier ae
to the morale of toe Siwiiter 3. essoed tes of . tonle cnarr.zy scrkern
on 6 Subject of coaadols mob oneal eoneurn b.. evitein aventuslities.
No. 8 = The cuestion of ierylilus polsoming iz of ,cvest corcera in
Sortain tiugtytes ond ti mead for oven seve inforvetion ia urgeut.

Uneer these canditioud tnis intvuraetioa whould nob be eithheld bec. una

of ite catible vo jue t- )

oteati- lL


wl the resort, wort. coe eters ootoin

3 iuwiiceted la tie tert

terde enor

cotivities ove

wuffer sf Prom bearylidaw oblrenin pat 4 # olageenia thon of Sofa tacn
ee toa dia tecstesut fa vosy ia arti ute

Box No



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